4 Easy Tricks That You Can Do on Your iPhone

    1.) Hide Photos From cringe-worthy selfies to embarrassing pictures, sometimes there are pictures on our phones that can’t be seen by anyone. We all have friends that steal our phones, and scroll through our photos, making fun of them. We all have our days where we just take pictures of ourselves looking like…

iPhone X and 8

After the last release of the new iPhone, the iPhone 7, people have been mind blown, and overjoyed. It was truly an amazing accomplishment, something new, something different. Little after that, a rumor went on that there was a new iPhone coming out. Turns out it was not only one, but two. The iPhone X…

WhatsApp Update Offers New Features

WhatsApp is something we use everyday in our lives. We use it to communicate with our family and friends, or to work on projects in both school and work. That’s why it’s important to know if any changes were made to the application or if any features were added. WhatsApp is working on adding some new features…